Privacy Policy

Boxer Group follow all relevant data protection and privacy guidelines, therefore respecting your privacy and ensuring that we comply with all relevant laws.

We make use of website statistics. We use cookies to collect analytical data about your browsing activity and to serve you targeted adverts in the future, but this data is not-personally identifiable to you. (see our cookie policy for more information).

We will need some personal information from you if you have requested a quote from us or made an online purchase on our eCommerce store. We will only use this information to provide you with the service you have requested and your data will be stored securely and will never be passed on to any third parties.

Your details

Boxer Group will collect personal information from you when you either request a quote from us, make an online purchase, when you use one of our services, make an enquiry, or contact us. Information we request may include but may not be absolutely exclusive to the following:

- Name
- Address
- Company name
- Telephone number
- Email address

Any information you submit to Boxer Group will only ever be used for the reasons you submitted it for in the first place. If you choose not to purchase from us, we will then store your information securely for 5 years – after this time, we will erase your data safely from our secure system.

Website data

When you browse our website, we use Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager to track non-personally identifying information on how you use our website such as:

- How long you browse each page;
- The pages you visit;
- Where you enter the website;
- Where you leave the website;
- Non-personally identifying information from your Google profile, i.e:
> Your gender
> Your location
> Your age
We use this information to assist us in managing and developing our website and to focus our online marketing.

What we will do with your information

Boxer Group will only ever use your information to help us carry out the services you have requested from us and will use it to:

- Contact you about your chosen service/purchased order;
- Manage your account (which may include payment issues);
- Respond to queries;
- Confirm your identity (for example when you have lost a password etc).
Occasionally, we may contact you with information about new products, events and special offers by email, if you have given us permission to do so.

If you have given Boxer Group permission to contact you regarding our services, events and products, you are able to request to have your details removed from our database at anytime. If you would like to have your details removed or updated, simply email with the subject heading ‘Subject Access Request’ and your details will be removed/updated from/on our secure database.

Data Retention

Boxer Group will keep your data secure as per GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) guidelines. We will keep your details for 10 years before safely removing it from our system.

With those who use our online shop, services, attend our events etc, we will keep those details securely on our database until you have finished using our services and for 10 years afterwards. After that time, we will remove your details, unless we are required by law or for audit reasons to keep them for longer.

You are within your rights to request that we remove your details from our system at any time, simply email

Third parties

Boxer Group will never disclose any information about you to any third parties. All information we have will always be stored securely and will only be used by Boxer Group for the purposes in which is was intended. Occasionally, we may be asked to disclose personal information to meet legal requirements or obligations, such as to comply with a court order.


Accessing your Information

You are free to contact us to request the information we have about you. Simply email to make your request and include your name, address and account number (if you have one) to ensure we can locate your data efficiently for you. Additional questions may be necessary to confirm your identity.

Under GDPR, Boxer Group are duty bound to provide the information you request free of charge and can not refuse to carry out your requests, unless they are deemed excessive.

Monitoring and or recording of all your Communications

Boxer Group may monitor emails to assist in improving customer service and relations.

Privacy Policy Updates

Boxer Group will update this Privacy Policy in response to any updates in data protection and privacy legislation and any changes to this policy will be done so on our website.